HOME About DYNAMEID Program 2023 Previous Editions

Few words about DYNAMEID
DYNAMEID is the first ASAIHL Mundus Master program.

The DYNAMEID (Dynamic of Emerging and Infectious Diseases) master program is the result of the collaboration of European and Asian universities : University of Montpellier - UM (France), Gadjah Mada University - UGM (Indonesia), Mahidol University - MU (Thailand), a Research Institute (CIRAD) and an Association : ASAIHL (Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning) to develop together a teaching in infectiology centered around emerging pathogens and the dynamics of infectious and emerging diseases.

The Master DYNAMEID brings together educational teams from each of these establishments. Teaching is organized based on the East-Asia time zone, GMT+7, owing to the presence of different time zones. Courses are transmitted to the various sites via video-conferencing. The COVID-19 epidemic provides an excellent case for the need of programs like DYNAMEID, both in terms of topic and of organization. This latest pandemic follows the emergence of other pathogens such as the SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, HIV, Zika virus, Dengue virus or Chikungunya virus but also the emergence of resistance to drugs such as artemisinin for Plasmodium falciparum (malaria causative agent) or antibiotics for multi-resistant bacteria.

The DYNAMEID Master program aims to train scientists in the comprehensive understanding of infectious diseases. Graduates will be able to address these issues in research institutions but also to work within the framework of international partnerships with national health authorities and international organizations for the management and prevention of these diseases. This training allows the continuation of studies in doctorate (PhD). The professional opportunities for our students are: Research scientist (after PhD), specialist in laboratory or on platform, project manager in biotechnology, pharmaceutical R&D, office manager in health and public health organizations and national or international authorities such as WHO, OIE, FAO and Global Fund, NGO adviser, ...

Funding and hosting

 Muse Montpellier
 Takeoff 3
 Faculty of pharmacy Montpellier
 DYNAMEID Master Program

DYNAMEID conference partners

 Université de Montpellier